
On this UNITS page I have collected most of the documents of my research for you to study.

To make it easier for you to find the documents you are interested in I have clustered the relevant documents for all the medical units in the 4th Armored Division.

This page is divided into three groups of units:

Medical Staff Sections

46th Armored Medical Battalion

Medical Detachments

When you have found the unit you are interested in, click on the arrow or name and you will be shown all the relevant documents for that unit.

How to read /study them

I have written some guides to help you reading, studying and understanding the content of these documents:

Guide to the Personnel Database documents.

Guide to the timeline documents.

Guide to reading Company Morning Reports.

Abbreviations Used

Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)

MOS List used

If you have any questions you can contact me using: CONTACT

Some of the Company Morning Reports of the Medical Detachments on this site were found on the website of the 80th Infantry Division: http://www.80thdivision.com/WebArchives/MorningReports.html

I am thankful that I was given permission to publish them here and highly recommend visiting the fantastic site that pays tribute to another Third Army’s division.

Medical StaFF Sections.

Division Surgeon’s Section

Reports/ DateAnnual ReportDivision Surgeon’s Office JournalPolicies/ GuidelinesPersonnel list July 1944-May 1945Timeline 4th AD Casualties as reported by Division Surgeon
1943Annual Report, 1943
Jan 1944
Feb 1944Journal Feb 1944
Mar 1944Journal Mar 1944
Apr 1944Journal Apr 1944
May 1944Journal May 1944
June 1944Journal June 1944Reports_ regulations June 1944
July 1944Journal July 1944Evacuation policies, July 1944Personnel Division Surgeon’s Office
Aug 1944Journal Aug 1944
Sept 1944Journal Sept 1944
Oct 1944Journal Oct 1944
Nov 1944Journal Nov 1944
Dec 1944Journal Dec 1944Training program for Replacements
Jan 1945Annual Report, 1944Journal Jan- Feb 1945Diseases and battle casualties, 1944, 24 January 1945.pdf
Feb 1945Journal Jan- Feb 1945
Mar 1945
Apr 1945
May 1945
June 1945=>Annual Report, 1945Timeline Casualties

46th ARMORED medical battalion


Personnel HQ & HQ-co 46 AMB and Reinforcements

Timeline HQ and HQ-co 46th AMB


After Action ReportBattalion HistoryS-3 JournalCompany Morning Report HQCompany Morning Report HQ-coPayroll Enlisted MenOfficer Roster
1941-1943Battalion History 46th AMB 1941-1943_compressedHQ-co 46 Dec 43Co A 46th AMB Payroll Nov 43
Co B 46th AMB Payroll Nov 43
Co C 46th AMB Payroll Nov 43
46th AMB Officer Roster 1943 (2)
January 1944Battalion History 46th AMB January 1944HQ-co 46 Jan 44
February 1944Battalion History 46th AMB February 1944
March 1944Battalion History 46th AMB March 1944HQ-co 46 Mar 44
April 1944Battalion History 46th AMB April 1944HQ-co 46 Apr 44
May 1944Battalion History 46th AMB May 1944
June 1944Battalion History 46th AMB June 1944HQ-co 46 Jun 44
July 1944AAR 46th AMB July 1944Battalion History 46th AMB July 1944HQ-co 46 Jul 44
August 1944AAR 46th AMB August 1944Battalion History 46th AMB August 1944HQ 46 Aug 44HQ-co 46 Aug 44
September 1944HQ 46 Sept 44HQ-co 46 Sept 44
October 1944AAR 46th AMB October 1944Battalion History 46th AMB October 1944HQ 46 Oct 44HQ-co 46 Oct 44
November 1944AAR 46th AMB November 1944Battalion History 46th AMB November 1944S-3 Journal 46th AMB November 1944_compressedHQ 46 Nov 44HQ-co 46 Nov 44
December 1944AAR 46th AMB December 1944Battalion History 46th AMB December 1944
Annual History of the 46th AMB- General and Division Medical Supply 1944_compressed
S-3 Journal 46th AMB December 1944_compressedHQ 46 Dec 44HQ-co 46 Dec 44
January 1945AAR 46th AMB January 1945Battalion History 46th AMB January 1945S-3 Journal 46th AMB January 1945_compressed(1)HQ 46 Jan 45HQ-co 46 Jan 45
February 1945AAR 46th AMB February 1945Battalion History 46th AMB February 1945S-3 Journal 46th AMB February 1945_compressedHQ-co 46 Feb 45
March 1945AAR 46th AMB March 1945Battalion History 46th AMB March 1945S-3 Journal 46th AMB March 1945_compressedHQ 46 Mar 45HQ-co 46 Mar 45
April 1945AAR 46th AMB April 1945Battalion History 46th AMB April 1945S-3 Journal 46th AMB April 1945HQ 46 Apr 45HQ-co 46 Apr 45
May 1945AAR 46th AMB May 1945Battalion History 46th AMB May 1945S-3 Journal 46th AMB May 1945_compressedHQ-co 46 May 45
June 1945Battalion History 46th AMB June-July 1945

46thAMB Medical Supply Annex 1945
HQ & HQ-co 46 Jun 45HQ & HQ-co 46 Jun 45
July 1945Battalion History 46th AMB June-July 1945HQ & HQ-co 46 Jul 45HQ & HQ-co 46 Jul 45

Personnel Company A 46AMB

Timeline Co A 46th AMB

Month/ YearCompany Morning Reports
June 1944Co A 46 Jun 44
July 1944Co A 46 Jul 44
August 1944Co A 46 Aug 44
September 1944Co A 46 Sept 44
October 1944Co A 46 Oct 44
November 1944Co A 46 Nov 44
December 1944Co A 46 Dec 44
January 1945Co A 46 Jan 45
February 1945Co A 46 Feb 45
March 1945Co A 46 Mar 45
April 1945Co A 46 Apr 45
May 1945
June 1945Co A 46 Jun 45
July 1945Co A 46 Jul 45

Personnel Company B 46AMB

Timeline Co B 46th AMB

Month/ YearCompany Morning Report
June 1944Co B 46 Jun 44
July 1944Co B 46 Jul 44
August 1944Co B 46 Aug 44
September 1944Co B 46 Sept 44
October 1944Co B 46 Oct 44
November 1944Co B 46 Nov 44
December 1944Co B 46 Dec 44
January 1945Co B 46 Jan 45
February 1945Co B 46 Feb 45
March 1945Co B 46 Mar 45
April 1945Co B 46 Apr 45
May 1945
June 1945Co B 46 Jun 45
July 1945Co B 46 Jul 45

Personnel Company C 46AMB

Timeline Co C 46th AMB

Month/ YearCompany Morning Report
June 1944Co C 46 Jun 44
July 1944Co C 46 Jul 44
August 1944Co C 46 Aug 44
September 1944Co C 46 Sept 44
October 1944Co C 46 Oct 44
November 1944Co C 46 Nov 44
December 1944Co C 46 Dec 44
January 1945Co C 46 Jan 45
February 1945Co C 46 Feb 45
March 1945Co C 46 Mar 45
April 1945Co C 46 Apr 45
May 1945
June 1945Co C 46 Jun 45
July 1945Co C 46 Jul 45

Medical detachments

Personnel MD Div HQ

Month/ YearCompany Morning Report
July 1944MR 4AD MD JUL44
August 1944MR 4AD MD AUG44
September 1944MR4AD_MDHqCo_SEP44
October 1944MR4AD_MDHqCo_OCT44
November 1944MR4AD_Med_NOV44
December 1944MR4AD_MDHqCo_DEC44
January 1945MR4AD_Med_JAN45
February 1945MR4AD_MedHqCo_FEB45
March 1945MR 4AD MD MAR45
April 1945MR 4AD MD APR45
May 1945MR 4AD MD MAY45

Tec3 Ralph S. Donnell, SSN 34255920

Served in Company C, 46th Armored Medical Battalion as a Surgical Technician (MOS 861)

Personnel MD 8

Month/ YearCompany Morning Report
July 1944MR 8TB Med JUL44
August 1944MR 8TB Med AUG44
September 1944MR8thTkBnMed_SEP44
October 1944MR8thTkBnMed_OCT44
November 1944MR8thTkBnMed_NOV44
December 1944MR8thTkBnMed_DEC44
January 1945MR8thTkBnMed_JAN45
February 1945MR8thTkBnMed_FEB45
March 1945MR 8TB Med MAR45
April 1945MR 8TB Med APR45
May 1945MR 8TB Med MAY45

Personnel MD 37

Month/ Year Company Morning Report
July 1944MR 37TB Med JUL44
August 1944MR 37TB Med AUG44
September 1944MR37thTkBnMed_SEP44
October 1944MR 37TB Med OCT44
November 1944MR 37TB Med NOV44
December 1944MR 37TB Med DEC44
January 1945MR 37TB Med JAN45
February 1945MR37thTkBnMed_FEB45
March 1945MR 37TB Med MAR45
April 1945MR 37TB Med APR45
May 1945MR 37TB Med MAY45