On this page you will find all the relevant pages of the 1942 yearbooks of the 4th Armored Division. These pages show all the photos of the medical, dental and chaplain services personnel of the division by unit.

The 4th Armored Division was a “heavy” armored division in 1942. So it still had armored and armored infantry regiments. This changed in 1943, when it was reorganized into a “light” armored division with battalions as its “building blocks”.

To view the pages simply scroll to the yearbook you are interested in and click on the toggle switch.

35th Arm Reg


35th Arm Reg Staff

Headquarters & Headquarters Company Medical

35th Arm Reg HQ&HQ-co Med

Medical Detachment

35th Arm Reg Med Det - 1

35th Arm Reg Med Det - 2

37th Arm Reg Yearbook

Medical Detachment

37th Arm Reg Med Det -1

37th Arm Reg Med Det -2


51st Arm Inf Reg Staff-


Medical Detachment

51st Arm Inf Reg Med Det

Armored Field Art Bns Yearbook


66th Arm Fld Art Bn Staff


Medical Detachment

66th Arm Fld Art Bn Med Det


94th Arm Fld Art Bn Staff


Medical Detachment

94th Arm Fld Art Bn Med Det


46th AMB / 4th Arm Maint Bn / 4th Arm Supply Bn Yearbook